sábado, 5 de fevereiro de 2011

Salada Auditiva - Programa 54

Programa "Salada Auditiva" - Edição 54
Produção e apresentação: Marcio CS

Sábados, das 18h às 20h, com reprise nas terças-feiras.


. Belle and Sebastian - The State I Am In
. Belle and Sebastian - My Wandering Days Are Over
. Belle and Sebastian - Like Dylan in the Movies
. Belle and Sebastian - Get Me Away from Here, I'm Dying

. The Diplomats of Solid Sound - The Cuber Bake
. The Diplomats of Solid Sound - Who's Got The Grady?
. The Diplomats of Solid Sound - You Can Make It If You Try
. The Diplomats of Solid Sound - Hugh's Hefner
. The Diplomats of Solid Sound - Cookie Time
. The Diplomats of Solid Sound - Willie's Theme

. The Living End - What Would You Do
. The Living End - Tabloid Magazine
. The Living End - Who's Gonna Save Us
. The Living End - End Of The World
. The Living End - Jimmy

. The Cure - Reasons Why
. The Cure - Freakshow
. The Cure - Real Snow White
. The Cure - Hungry Ghost

. Full Time Rockers - Fuja de Mim
. Full Time Rockers - Sexy Apelo
. Full Time Rockers - Gimme Some Love
. Full Time Rockers - Eu Não Conheço Você

. The Black Keys - Thickfreakness
. The Black Keys - Hard Row
. The Black Keys - Set You Free
. The Black Keys - Midnight in Her Eyes
. The Black Keys - No Trust
. The Black Keys - Have Love Will Travel

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